Python sftp transfer

1 minute read

SFTP FileWatcher
    A CSV File is dumped into a folder and needs to be sent over a SFTP server. 

    Instead of using a file management system like FileZilla use a Python Script to watch the folder where new files are generate and move them to the SFTP server.  

import pysftp
import os
import win32file
import win32event
import win32con

path_to_watch = os.path.abspath(
    "\\\\ Public/Folder/Folder")
# FindFirstChangeNotification sets up a handle for watching
#  file changes. The first parameter is the path to be
#  watched; the second is a boolean indicating whether the
#  directories underneath the one specified are to be watched;
#  the third is a list of flags as to what kind of changes to
#  watch for. We're just looking at file additions / deletions.
print('Proponisi WatchDog Running')
change_handle = win32file.FindFirstChangeNotification(
    path_to_watch, 0, win32con.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME

# Loop forever, listing any file changes. The WaitFor... will time out every 60 seconds allowing for keyboard interrupts to terminate the loop.
    old_path_contents = dict([(f, None) for f in os.listdir(path_to_watch)])
    while 1:
        result = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(change_handle, 500)
        # If the WaitFor... returned because of a notification (as opposed to timing out or some error) then look for the changes in the directory contents.
        if result == win32con.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
            # print('somechange')
            new_path_contents = dict([(f, None)
                                      for f in os.listdir(path_to_watch)])
            added = [f for f in new_path_contents if not f in old_path_contents]
            deleted = [
                f for f in old_path_contents if not f in new_path_contents]
            if added:
                print("Added: ", ", ".join(added))
                # Defines the name of the file for download / upload
                remote_file = path_to_watch + "\\" + added[0]
                print(remote_file, 'Identified For Transfer')
                host = ""
                username = "UserName"
                password = "P@ssword1"
                port = 22
                cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts()
                cnopts.hostkeys = None
                with pysftp.Connection(host=host, username=username, password=password, cnopts=cnopts, port=port) as sftp:
                    print(remote_file, "Moved")
            if deleted:
                print("Deleted: ", ", ".join(deleted))
            old_path_contents = new_path_contents
