Spotfire date between
With a list of Start and End Times calculate how many people and how many hours in total by day/hour accounting for the day boundary.
Label the Cross day boundaries, Make a Duplicate Table with only the cross day boundaries. Run the following Equations on both tables. (On the Cross Day Table calculate and replace the start date with the end date for calculations to work) Combine the two tables.
Person | StartTime | EndTime |
1 | 01/01/1999 8:30 AM | 01/01/1999 10:00 AM |
Calculate if During Present During Hour
Person | Date | 7AM | 8AM | 9AM | 10AM | 11AM |
1 | 01.01.1999 | False | True | True | True | False |
Calculate Time
Person | Date | 7AM | 8AM | 9AM | 10AM | 11AM |
1 | 01.01.1999 | 0 | 1800 | 3600 | 3600 | 0 |
when (DateTime([Shift Start])<=DateTime(Year([Local Day]),Month([Local Day]),Day([Local Day]),0,0,0,0))
and (DateTime([Shift End])>=DateTime(Year([Local Day]),Month([Local Day]),Day([Local Day]),0,59,59,0)) then True
when (Hour([Shift End])=0) and (Minute([Shift End])>0) and (Date([Local Day])=Date([Shift End])) then True
when (Hour([Shift Start])=0) and (Date([Local Day])=Date([Shift Start])) then True
else False
Calculate Hours
when (Date([Local Day])=Date([Shift Start])) and (Hour([Shift Start])=0) and (Minute([Shift Start])>0) then
DateDiff("ss",[Shift Start],DateTime(Year([Local Day]),Month([Local Day]),Day([Local Day]),0,0,0,0)) + 3600
when DateDiff("ss",DateTime(Year([Local Day]),Month([Local Day]),Day([Local Day]),0,0,0,0),[Shift End])>3600 then
For day boundary consider making a duplicate sheet with cross days only info.
a[a==''] <- NA
tempTable <-a[which(a[,1]>0),]
b <- rbind(tempTable,c)